Religion - Spirituality
Diary of a Probing Theist
Slife, B. D., Moller, E., & Chun, S. (2019). The excluded other in psychological research: Diary of a probing theist. In P. Brownell (Ed.), Handbook for theory, research and practice in gestalt therapy, 2nd edition. Pp. 65 - 86.Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Secular and Christian Truth in Therapy
Slife, B. D. & Reber, J. S. (2005). Comparing the practical implications of secular and Christian truth in psychotherapy. In A. Jackson & L. Fischer (Eds) Turning Freud Upside-Down: Gospel perspectives on psychotherapy’s fundamental problems. Pp. 160 - 182. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press.
Theism and Therapeutic Community
Slife, B. D., Mitchell, L. J., & Whoolery, M. (2004). A theistic approach to therapeutic community: Non-naturalism and the Alldredge Academy. In S. Richards & A. Bergin (Eds.), Casebook for a spiritual strategy in counseling and psychotherapy. pp. 35 - 54. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.